maandag 9 februari 2015

N is for Nice.. meet you.

My name is Esmée and I am an illustration student from the Netherlands.
I have been thinking about how I consume a lot (for over a year now) and I want to document my steps into the world of minimalism and how I shape and pick things in that world that appeal to me.

Last year my boyfriend and I spend the whole summer playing the Minimalist game: a 30 day course of picking stuff you no longer need. On day one, you pick one thing to discard, on day two you pick two things, day three, three things and so on.
We managed to sell and donate a reasonable amount of belongings we had no longer use for.
But when you go through the stuff you own, you see how much things you actually have you didn't even know you had in the first place. "When was the last time I wore this? Why did I buy so much make up?"

This year I want to surround myself ONLY with the things I truly love. For example, if I haven't worn a jacket for more than half a year, it has got to go.
I'm also going to take in account if I can repair or restore certain things, or if I can make some myself.
For a couple of years I have been working with wishlists but this year I'm going to be more strict: I can only buy the things that are on my wishlist(remind me I should also do this while grocery shopping).

This blog will not only be about physical things.
A lot of minimalists I follow on the web talk about letting go. Physically and mentally.
After a lot of years of stress I can finally say I'm ready for that.

Feel free to follow me while I look into the matter of minimalism.
This journey will not be without obstacles, but it will be worth it.
I'm sure of it.


1 opmerking:

  1. Wat leuk, 'the minimalist game'!
    Ik ben er ook mee bezig, wat heb ik nou écht nodig? is ook een fijne site, met goede tips :)
